Sexual Health Services in Telford & Wrekin

The Sexual Health service provides a range of sexual health services to people of all ages in Telford & Wrekin.

Please read the important information below about sexual health services – October 2020:

All service users must call the sexual health team on 0300 123 0994 in the first instance, so the most appropriate service option can be offered to them.

Face-to-face services in clinics will continue to be by appointment only.

Clinics for Implant/Coil procedures be prioritised for service users who currently have an Implant/Coil in situ – please ensure patients are aware of this before advising them to call the service.

Some services remain unavailable; the service user will be advised accordingly.

People aged 16+ can order a free STI testing kit online at – patients should be advised of this wherever possible.

We do not offer coils for non-contraceptive reasons, nor routine cervical screening.

The latest service information on our website

If you have any questions, please contact the service manager on 0300 123 0994.